Hello dumb blog and readers! Namaste, mera nam hey Nina. Varuga varuga. (Deepavali's celebration mode -.-) A day without school is a God's bless day, I tell you. Mark that, a God's bless day. It's a full blessed day, y'know, since I don't have to wake up so early to get to the class, I need no having a long stand in front of my locker to pick the clothes I can match with, and and and, I don't have to think twice either to wash a-full-pail-laundry or not before shower (this is the hardest part in every good morning I have). So then, where's the good in the good morning? Huhu.
I was awakened from a message notification, at 0856. A message from Adli, saying that he misses me a lot teehihihihi. After reading his message, I pulled up the blanket to the chest level, and started to go back to my dreamland. 0856, still early. Then came my bestie in UTHM into my room, asking me to accompany her to the Terminal. And I said yes to her request. As today is a holiday, I planned to do revision or finish the final touch assignment. And because of her request, I need to cancel my plan and I thought today would be a day with nothing less but a waste-of-time day. But instead of having a-waste-of-time-day, I learnt much more things that books can never teach me. Thanks Tiara (:
On our way to the terminal, the bus got so packed by immigrants from Bangladesh. Now that the bus is packed, I can't breathe anymore fresh air except their's. You know what their's here refers to, right? As I am feeling annoyed by the smell, I got so much more annoyed with this so called loser Bangla guy. He was trying to act cute in front of me, as he kept hugging over his friend's body and putting his head down to his friend's shoulder. He acted like as if he's a very loving person, and as I looked at his stupid act, I caught him for several times looking at me, it's like an if-I'm-looking-at-him-or-not look. Duhh, clearly shown that he was testing his market in front of me -.- Y'know, the situation you get when someone annoys you so much, but you just can't help letting your eyes from their annoying-ness! I faced this situation earlier and and I AM very that kind of a person, I tell you. The more I get annoyed by something, the more I like to stare at him's/her's. Yea, I know I'm such a loser -.-
#1 Lesson I learnt: To take my eyes off to whatever shit that happens.
I wished the guy in the bus was this guy in the picture. Eh, cannot. The guy in the pic never annoy me. Hihi. |
After buying the ticket, we took a bus to Carrefour. As we were on the bus, there was this little boy together with his granny. He didn't stay still and gave a lot of trouble to his granny. The granny was sitting next to the bus alarm, and he can't help on pressing it. He laughed every time he pressed it. And at every time he pressed the button, the granny will slap his hand. There was one time when he wanted to press the alarm, the granny unintentionally (I guess) punched the boy's thigh, and he cried loudly in pain. Pity on him right? He got scolded just because of an alarm. Huhu.
#2 Lesson I learnt: Be patient when handling with the small kids as they're just a kid. They just wanna have fun of something. Act nicely, they'll be nice to you too.
We reached Carrefour after 30 minutes. We hunted for food as soon as we reached there and we had KFC for lunch. The food was okay, but the environment around it wasn't. Flies were flying around my table, the staff kept opened-closed the trash can, and she even brought the sweep and threw the rubbish when I was eating. I can relate that the restaurant and the staffs are not hygiene and hygienic person.
#3 Lesson I learnt: Never go to KFC Carrefour anymore.
After two hours of window shopping, we headed to the bus stop to wait for the bus. I was sitting next to a two-kids-mommy. She's a nice person. And as the bus moved, an Indian mommy with her two kids entered the bus. It was raining heavily outside. The baby she hold got wet because of the rain. Mark that, the baby. Ayoo minachi, pity on your baby lar. He's just a baby kott. I just can't imagine myself if I am holding a baby of mine and he/she gets wet from the rain. And I definitely won't let my baby to get even a drop of rain! Pitied those who are unfortunate cuz they need to go somewhere by bus, especially when in rain. I'm grateful that I'm being born in a family which provide good shelter and everything else for me. Thank you Allah. Alhamdulillah.
#4 Lesson I learnt: I want to study hard and work hard to earn amount of money, so that my kids will be totally comfortable and have a good perfect life.
Work hard till I can have this house and car (: |
Moral of the story: Life is full of people with different attitude and way of life. Sometimes we need to put ourselves in their condition, so that we would be grateful and learn the true meaning of life. Be grateful of what you achieved now and work hard for it. Thank you Allah for everything you've given to me. Guide me all the way, so that I won't go over the boundary. Amin.
With love,