Hello dumb blog, readers and stalkers. It has been long time since my last update. Sorry for not updating the blog cuz currently, I am busy doing my project, assignments, revision for tests and worrying bout the finals I'll be having in next month. Plus, I don't have anything to be shared here. Tho I didn't update the blog for some time, the stats still showing numbers of visitors coming to this blog. 2 hours ago: A visitor from Kuala Lumpur, 3 hours ago: A visitor from Melaka, 4 hours ago: A visitor from Egypt, and so on. I can relate that, y'guys are actually craving to read my post =P And yeah, be thankful to me now cuz at last I've something for you to read, weeee :D
Well, firstly, I'd like to write/give my opinion why I'm writing this blog in English. I know, I've a lot of grammatical mistakes here, but I still write the post in English. Sorry for the annoying-ness I'm giving you, huhu. Why I write in English: #1 To sharpen my English skills, that's for sure. #2 To avoid be influenced like in other's blog who write like this in Bahasa: Harituww akuww pegi makan dekat kedai Mamak... Adeww mamat ni kentut sebelah aku.... Hahahahahahahahaha.... Lepas tu mamat tu pandang-pandang aku sambil korek hidung..... Hahahahahahahahahaha...... Kawan-kawan aku semua gelak hahahahahahahaha...... See? Do you really need to write the hahahahaha after one sentence and another? Tak kelakar pun. It's annoying y'know, to read the very long hahahahahahahaha -.- And and and, the rempit-style writing! Errhhh, you really don't know how to spell the words correctly? I think this is more annoying than reading a sentence with wrong vocab/grammar. #3 To avoid writing a long essay. My first language is Bahasa and I'm a person who likes to talk and I'm actually a person who don't stop talking. If I'm writing this blog in Bahasa, I bet it'll take you forever to finish reading it. For example, if I'm writing in Bahasa: Malam ini terasa sunyi sekali. Aku terjaga di tengah-tengah malam, sehinggakan tiada seorang pun yang berkeliaran di luar bilikku. Sejuknya udara di waktu malam begini. Terasa begitu nyaman dan aman sekali Aku sukakan keamanan begini. Tanpa ada satu suara pun yang mengangguku, oh best nyer kurniaan yang Allah berikan ini. Example if I'm writing in English: Tonight feels so lovely. I'm awake in the middle of the night. I like this feeling. That's why I prefer to write in English. Cuz I can save time and words without writing any further explanation 'bout something. And, what is Bahasa if I'm mixing the words? Like, "oh best nyer" sentence. #4 That's all, thank you.
Okay, now lets proceed to my main point of updating blog. I'd like to update about yesterday's explorace I participated. The race is under the Unit Bahasa Antarabangsa, and there were about six/seven languages department taking part in it. I don't actually put any hopes to win the race, cuz there were a lot of students taking part in it. If one language department has around 40+ students taking part, use your mathematics skill to count how many students were there at the stadium. Of course they divided the prizes according to the language, but still, I don't really hope to win. And sadly, we didn't win the explorace, tho :(
The reason why we didn't win the race is because of the last checkpoint we've been looking for. The clue says, "food court", but it was actually a place where it has nothing to do with the word food court! It was in G3, at the back of the building. But because of the clue says "food court", we went to the canteen in G3 but nothing was in there. So we ran to TDI's cafe, and still, the result was the same. So, we made our moves to the library's cafe, and also, nothing. Next, we went to TSN's cafe, the result was still the same. We got tired and fed up to find the place, and at last we called the facilitators in charge, and asked him where in the world is the last checkpoint. He said it was in G3 and after a few arguments with him, saying mana ade dekat G3! Kitorang dah pergi dah tadi, at last we made our move back to G3, and suddenly I remembered there was a pit stop at the back of the building. Bingo! We lastly managed to get to the checkpoint. At the time we arrived there, the AJK in charge already set out the chairs and tables. We were the last group to arrive. They even laughed at us, and said "Haa sini meh sini. Takpe, takpe." Everybody else already finished the race 1 hour earlier, but we just arrived at the pit stop, boooo -.- This is how far we actually ran/walked:

The path is actually not as zig zag as this. I just wanna show you how far we actually walked.
Scale: 1mm:500m :p
And after laughing at our silly mistakes at the last checkpoint, we walked to the stadium and we could see many of the participants had already arrived. We separated into 3 groups so that it won't be so obvious that we were the last team to arrive, haha -.- When we handled in the tasks, the AJK in charge also laughed at us for being the very last team, after 1++ hours everybody has finished the explorace.
But after all, I'm actually proud of how I can still run/walk long distance after it has been 7++ months I've been accumulating fats in my body, :D I must say that, not only the race we 'explored' race, but also the whole campus! All this while I don't even know the existence of my U's kindergarten. But after our 'own' explorace, I now know 'bout it -.-
Before the explorace started
My team members.
I think that's all from today. Assalamualaikum :)
With love,